Friday, March 27, 2009

Historical Figure for the day - 3/27/2009 - Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings is probably the 2nd most well known Asian literature relating to war and battle, the first being The Art of War by Sun Tzu over 2200 years ago. BoFR (Book of Five Rings) was written in around 1645. Miyamoto's life is somewhat of an enigma. One of the most well known facts is that he spent his life dueling, quite successfully. A fascinating film called "Miyamoto Musashi" was released in 1954 - this movie portrayed him as a young and wild, undisciplined man who eventually grows into the master that history remembers him as.
The Book of Five Rings is a treatise on not just the art of battle and swordsmanship, but of the other arts that complete a man - poetry, calligraphy, religion and music. A complete warrior is complete in his life as well as his grasp of the martial arts. Regardless of the reality of the man Miyamoto, the Book is definitely a must read for any philosopher or wanna-be Samurai. Good insightful thinking.

Further study:
Miyamoto Musashi (1954)

Buy a copy of The Book of Five Rings:

1 comment:

zuveena said...

great posts....i love the historical figures for the day..very interesting hehehe...i love reading it..