Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Historical Figure for the day - 3/24/2009 - Jacque de Molay


The (?) last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Put to death in 1314 by King Philip of France for heresy. There are varying beliefs about what really prompted the disbanding of the Knights Templar, but what is known for sure is that Jacque de Molay confessed to many heinous crimes against God and Church. He later recanted his confessions, claiming they were tortured out of him.

King Philip owed the Knights Templar a lot of money. They (the Order) are considered to be the first true "bankers" of the modern age. They amassed so much wealth in their protection of pilgrims in the Holy Land, and their conquests over infidels, that they began lending money and developed Letters of Credit to easily transport wealth from one region to another (by transporting the claim to ownership of a certain amount of money/gold, rather than transporting the gold itself).

The end of the Templars is a fascinating read, even more so than the origins.

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