Wednesday, January 28, 2009

PETA Sexy Ad Banned

So NBC finds this ad too sexy, and will not air it during the Super Bowl. I wonder if the execs over there have ever seen a beer commercial. It also makes me wonder about the current lineup on TV overall. Too much sex, too much violence. But people have been saying that since I was a kid, and I don't see that much has changed. Sure, you can say some "dirty" words on Network TV that I never heard as a kid, but I sure as heck heard those words outside the TV.

And I grew up on violent movies. They've been around since well before I was even born. Yet I have been in one fight in my adult life, at age 18.

So explain, please, why some commercials should be allowed to be "sexy" and some should not? Is it the content of the message? The innuendos? Or is it the PETA that is being discriminated against?

I think it is hyprocrisy to ban a commercial like this, that utilizes sex to sell something ostensibly good, i.e. vegetarianism, while they allow commercials that utilize sex to sell something destructive, i.e. beer. Why is it OK to sexualize addictive drinks, but not healthy food?


Tony said...

I thought it was vagitarians.

Tony said...

I've been out of the market for a while, victorsleeps, so I do not know, but does vegitarian female still equate to unshaven pits & gams and no makeup?

zuveena said...

the ads is great was perfectly directed. hehehehe! agree?