Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rush Limbaugh - I hope Obama Fails

Very interesting read. I think Rush is pointing to exactly the problem, although he isn't quite spelling it out. Republicans are now liberal. THAT is the problem. Not that the Democrats are liberals. Look, Bush is the one who pushed through the bank bailout, and the day that was signed into law was the day we began the socialization of American business in earnest. National ownership of banks? Pushed through by a Republican president?

The problem isn't the concept of liberalism or conservatism. Both philosophies have their strengths and weaknesses, and there should be a balance between the two. Personally I believe in leaning more towards the conservative - anything the public can do, the government can do for four times the cost. Fiscally I am a staunch conservative. Socially I am fairly liberal. The best party that tends to espouse my beliefs is the Libertarian party, but their problem is they keep putting up the lunatic fringe as their spokespeople (Bob Barr being the exception recently).

The problem is the political parties. They rule our country between them, leaving no room for the little guy to come in and voice their opinion. Tyranny of the majority, indeed. 80% of the country has been taken over by these two parties, and power shifts back and forth between them, with no counterbalance to the entire system. Just look at the coverage throughout the election (setting aside arguments about how the media favored Obama over McCain). When did they talk about Barr? When did they talk about Nader? Baldwin? McKinney? These were all candidates on the ballot in enough states to conceivably win the election.

But nothing was heard about them, because the entire system is geared toward Rep v. Dem. Nothing else. That is our choice in America, between two parties that can't even claim to be the champion of a particular political philosophy. There are liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. The idea that either party stands for something is laughable. They stand for the party, the regime of power that includes the individuals of their group, and that is it. Both sides are willing to do what it takes to gain and keep the power, without regard for anything else.

It is these exclusionary realities that is tearing apart our country. Not liberalism, not conservatism, but the machine of power that has grown. Eisenhower warned us about the Military-Industrial complex. Who do you think runs these people? Both parties? It doesn't matter who is in charge at any given moment. Our future as Americans rests on a lie, that We the People have a voice. We don't. Until we go out there and start breaking into the political power system, We the People will be dominated by the narrow minded political system that excludes all other ideas. Between them, they have a near monopoly on political power in the USA. Until we break that, We the People are at their mercy.

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