Thursday, February 12, 2009

How Do You Pass A Stimulus?

Well, the answer the first time around was: Load it with Pork and grab a couple of Republicans to join in the fun.

The answer the second time is: Load it with Pork and grab a couple of Republicans to join in the fun.

And who makes out? The National Institutes of Health, to the tune of 6.5 billion. Great cause, led by Senator Arlen Spector (R-PA). Because the health of our economy lies with the health of our people. Hopefully some of this money will be used to stimulate the economy in a timely manner.

Some of the other Pork? The Washington Post has a great graphic here describing the basic spending areas, but doesn't really get into the overall Pork nature of the funding. But the question I have is, if this is all being divided up amongst different branches of the Government as spending, then why not just do it in Budget?

And, why is the Real Issue not being addressed? What is causing this collapse? Are we witnessing the end of our economic system? Is this just a massive, worldwide market adjustment? Did we finally build enough stuff and now we have enough? Did a massive population of people die off somewhere that we aren't aware of? Can the whole world economy collapse this quickly because a couple trillion dollars worth of bad assets were created in unregulated trading environments?

Is this the beginning of the end of the USA, and the world governments?

1 comment:

zuveena said...

by the way, i just drop to say happy valentine's day to you and your wife and family may you have a memorable celebration...stop thinking the stimulus for a while heheheeh! just enjoy the day...happy valentine's day...